Mission and Philosophy
In union with the parents, who are the primary educators of the child, and in loyalty to the Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church, Angelus Academy is committed to transmitting the rich and time-tested traditions of the Catholic faith and culture in a familial atmosphere characterized by mutual respect and generosity of spirit.
Commending ourselves to the patronage and prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Incarnate Love and St. Gabriel, Angel of the Incarnation, we invoke the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we seek to cultivate in every child:
- a foundation for personal integrity and moral courage by encouraging personal prayer and devotion to Christ, to His sacraments and to His saints as winsome and compelling embodiments of Christian virtue;
- a reverence for the sanctity of human life and regard for the dignity of every person; expressed in empathy and respect for one’s fellows and compassion for all who suffer;
- loyalty to the family and the Church, and love of country, expressed in obedience to competent authority and a willingness to make personal sacrifices for the common good;
- a taste for excellence and a love for what is lasting and authentically beautiful in all aspects of human culture as the basis for the wholesome development of the creative imagination;
- a broad and rigorous intellectual formation through the training of the faculty of reason and a disciplined quest for the truth in every area of life.
To these ends, Angelus Academy employs teachers who recognize that no testimony is more eloquent or convincing than personal witness, and therefore are committed to their own ongoing intellectual and spiritual formation.
“It is not enough that you love the young; they must know that they are loved.”
– St. John Bosco
7644 Dynatech Court
Springfield, VA 22153
(703) 924-3996