Our Lady’s Little Messengers Apostolate


I thank thee, Father, Lord of heaven and earth,
that thou hast hidden these things from the wise and understanding
and revealed them to babes; yea, Father, for such was thy gracious will.
(Mt. 11:25-26)

Our Lady’s Little Messengers Apostolate is one of several apostolates of the Women’s Apostolate to Youth (WAY) and actually predates the founding of Angelus Academy.  The elementary school came into being in relation to what we were already doing for our youngest children.

Our Lady’s Little Messengers is a reflection of WAY’s special concern to recognize the unique spiritual significance of innocent children and the great power their prayers hold over the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of His Holy Mother.  Scripture affirms this, and we have seen that the Blessed Virgin Mary has a particular love for the young, as she so often chooses them to be her “Little Messengers” when she wants to send a special message to the Church and to the world.

For this reason, we decided to designate Our Lady of the Rosary (as Our Lady of Fatima identified herself) and Saints Francisco and Jacinta Marto as the patrons of our Little Messengers religious formation program.  All our Little Messenger families are asked to invoke their intercession on behalf of our Little Messengers faculty and students throughout the school year, because we know what a difference this intercession will make because of the graces that will flow from it.



7644 Dynatech Court
Springfield, VA 22153
(703) 924-3996

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