Our Lady’s Little Messengers: A Faith Formation Program for Preschool-Aged Children
At Angelus Academy we offer a gentle, exceptionally effective program for three- and four-year-old children that uniquely combines a specifically Catholic religious formation with early academic skill development.
Our Lady’s Little Messengers is a distinctly Catholic faith formation program developed by the Women’s Apostolate to Youth, founders of Angelus Academy, for preschool-aged children. It takes its inspiration from the catechetical methods of the great Maria Montessori and the perennially appealing traditions of the Catholic Faith, with particular emphasis on Sacred Scripture, the liturgy, and the lives and witness of the saints. Using simple narratives and appealing, concrete materials designed to bring the child to prayer, the program introduces children to essential elements of the Catholic Faith: liturgy and the sacraments, the teachings of Christ in the parables, the lives of selected saints, and virtuous behavior. Because these things are presented in a form young children can easily grasp, the net effect is to create a true sense of joy and wonder: the child’s natural response to an encounter with God. The Little Messengers receive religious instruction each morning, and once a week, they have the opportunity to spend time in our school-based Atrium with a Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (Level I) catechist.
The Little Messengers program also follows a carefully crafted, academic sequence designed to spur cognitive development in the areas of language skills (storytelling, early reading, and writing activities); mathematical reasoning and number sense; scientific reasoning in relation to the physical world; listening to and making music; and studying and producing works of art using various media. A special highlight for our Little Messengers is the regular visits from their school-aged “buddies” who read stories and share activities with them. The children’s academic achievements simultaneously develop motor skills, work habits, social skills, and opportunities to practice virtuous behavior. Through a combination of group activities and individual work, the Angelus Academy Little Messengers program helps little ones form both their intellects and their wills according to God’s desires.
Please note: Children must be fully and independently potty trained in order to enroll in the Little Messengers program. Children may not wear pull-ups or diapers to the Little Messengers program.
Little Messengers program for 4-year-olds
(child turns 4 on or before October 1)
Three-day option: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
8:15 AM – 12:00 PM
Little Messengers program for 3-year-olds
(child turns 3 on or before October 1)
Two-day option: Tuesday and Thursday
8:15 AM – 12:00 PM
Sample Daily Schedule for Little Messengers:
8:15 – 8:45 AM: Arrival and free play
8:45 – 10:15 AM: Faith formation (e.g., prayers; songs; stories; Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Atrium)
10:15 – 10:30 AM: Grace and snack time
10:30 – 11:45 AM: Instructional and recreational activities (e.g., learning about the alphabet; outside games)
11:45 AM – 12:00 PM: Clean-up and closing prayers
12:00 PM: Dismissal

Angelus Academy offers Level 1 Catechesis of the Good Shepherd in our beautiful Atrium to our Little Messengers (3- and 4-year-olds) through second graders.

7644 Dynatech Court
Springfield, VA 22153
(703) 924-3996