Women’s Apostolate to Youth
The Women’s Apostolate to Youth (WAY) is Public Association of the Christian Faithful in the Diocese of Arlington. We take as our heavenly patroness and model of spiritual maternity the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Incarnate Love. Our spiritual mentors are Saints Teresa of Avila, Catherine of Siena, Elizabeth Ann Seton, Therese of Lisieux, and Edith Stein holy women whose lives and works offer perennially valid inspiration and guidance to women seeking an authentically Catholic and feminine form of spiritual practice.
Our Mission
The mission of WAY is to promote the spiritual well-being of children and youth and to provide spiritual formation and moral support for women who are called to work in a variety of ministries dedicated to this end, whether as mothers, teachers, catechists, youth ministers, or social workers; or as relatives, godparents and friends. WAY recognizes that such women have their own particular spiritual needs and therefore seeks to foster a helpful pattern of personal and communal spiritual practice as well as a philosophy of Christian formation that will be especially helpful in work with children and youth.
Our Apostolates
In addition to Angelus Academy, WAY sponsors the St. Michael’s Army of Intercessors for Troubled Youth, a mission of intercessory prayer for at-risk youth and the popular DAYSTAR Mother-Daughter Retreat Series for girls in grades 7-9. The Little Messengers Preschool program was begun and developed by WAY. WAY also offers a Day of Recollection for Men held each autumn. More information on WAY programs can be found online.
My Invitation to You
The joy of growing spiritually in a community of women who are dedicated to sharing the faith with one another and with the souls God places in our lives is a tremendous gift. It can be a life-changing encounter! I invite you to attend one of our twice monthly spiritual formation meetings or our monthly holy hour and Mass; visitors are always welcome. If you are interested, contact me or go to our website. In the meantime, I will be praying for you!
Julie Maimone, Director
Women’s Apostolate to Youth
7644 Dynatech Court
Springfield, VA 22153
(703) 924-3996