Registration Information


  • Children entering kindergarten must be five years old on or before October 1st of the year they begin October1st is the birthdate deadline for children enrolling in the 3- and 4-year-old Little Messengers classes as well. This cut-off date is strictly observed without exceptions.
  • In order to reserve a space for your child(ren), a non-refundable registration fee per student must be paid to Angelus Academy after the offer of admission or re-enrollment has been made.
  • An annual book/supply fee for all students is due the first week of See the current tuition and fees schedule for this year’s due date and fee. After the due date, this is a non- refundable fee.
  • An annual activity fee for students in grades K-8 is due the first week of September. See the current tuition and fees schedule for this year’s due date and fee. After the due date, this is a non-refundable fee.
  • To receive the tuition rate for Catholic families, at least one parent/guardian must be registered and participating weekly with the child(ren) at Mass in a Catholic parish, and children must be baptized and have received additional sacraments proper to their age. Families who are new to the school must submit a letter from their pastor stating that they are registered and participating parishioners before the tuition invoice and contract can be finalized.
  • Monthly tuition payments can be made through the FACTS Management. These payments are generally deducted over the course of ten months, July through April.
  • Families wishing to pay their child(ren)’s tuition in full should submit payment directly to the Angelus Academy school office. Tuition paid in full and received in the school office by the end of June (see current tuition and fees schedule for this year’s due date) will be given a 3% discount on the total tuition sum. This discount does not apply to registration, book/supply, and activity fees, which are paid separately.
  • Each family is required to give 15 hours of volunteer service to Angelus Academy each school year or pay a fee of $20 per hour for uncompleted Volunteer service hours may be accrued in a variety of ways. Detailed information regarding opportunities for volunteer service can be found on SchoolSpeak or by contacting the volunteer hours coordinator.
  • We ask parents/guardians to recognize that Angelus Academy relies on the promise of payment to provide the budgeted resources required for the operation of the school and its ability to continue its mission to serve Christ’s little ones. Parents/guardians accept the obligation to pay the tuition and fees for the full academic year as indicated on their tuition invoice and contract, even if making monthly tuition payments through FACTS, unless notice is given no later than 30 June prior to the start of the academic year. Extenuating circumstances may arise that prevent students from completing the academic year at Angelus Academy. In these extenuating circumstances, the tuition payment obligation may be lessened after consultation with school administration. Fees and tuition already paid for the time of enrollment will not be refunded.
  • Report cards and school records will be withheld until all outstanding tuition payments, volunteer hours, and otherfees and charges are collected and up-to-date. Families are subject to dismissal if accounts are delinquent for two consecutive payments.

If you have any questions, please contact the Angelus Academy office at 703.924.3996 or you!

Angelus Academy admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.


7644 Dynatech Court
Springfield, VA 22153
(703) 924-3996

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